Hyrule Total War Hyrule Historia Download

The Zelda series consists of action-adventure games with puzzle elements. Hyrule: Total War is a TBS/RTT hybrid game. The Zelda series evokes heroic fantasy, fairy tale, and mythology. Hyrule: Total War evokes military history and politics. That said, I do believe UndyingNephalim is totally wrong about Skyward Sword.

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An excerpt from a player's guide I've been writing for Hyrule: Total War, this bit focusing on the various Religions and Cultures that you can encounter (and proselytize!). No one expects the Oocca Inquisition.
The fonts, layouts, and appearance of the guide is heavily inspired (nay, outright based entirely on) the Official Nintendo Player's Guide for Ocarina of Time: zeldauniverse.net/wp-content/u…
The cover of that guide was the very first image I ever saw of anything Zelda related, and pretty much was my entry into the series. That guide itself is pretty unique as well: instead of telling players exactly what to do it was written as a Historical document, chock full of chronology and lore (I know, something extremely rare in the series these days). As such I've modeled my guide in a similar manner: avoiding dumping numbers and statistics on players except where necessary and treating the volume as a historical document.
Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress. Some of the technical aspects (such as Rupee costs) are prone to change as the game is balanced over time. Some features may be removed or have not been fully added in yet as well. Let me know what you guys think, and stay tuned for the other factions to show up!
I find it disturbing how you paint Hylians who worship monotheist (Hylia).
Hyrule Total War Hyrule Historia Download
Will it be possible to convert your faction to any other religion in mod, or is it just Majora worship.
So whats the Lizalfos culture there not listed under any.
It would fit on the Barbaric culture line, they like to have wars and dominance over other races
Hmm, 'Shadow Culture' mercenaries-monsters, I'd assume, possibly small amounts of Majoran forces? I note that access to them wasn't mentioned as a feature of worshipiing He Who Vandalizes Moons, so.......
Come to think of it, I can't wait to see a guide excerpt on the minor factions. And/or Mercenaries. Or just the next actual faction.
Okay, maybe I just can't wait to see more guide excerpts period.
Shadow mercs are mostly monstrous abominations that other factions would be too scared to even talk to.
I have some of the minor factions' pages done, not all of them though.
Storm Zora:
Rolling Ridge Gorons:
Oooh, spoilers! Let's see what we have here...
-Hmm, requirements for having Tokay join are pretty much ally with them for ten turns or defeat the mysterious 'Shadow Hag'. The ability to create pants is theoretically on there as well and I'm interested to see this miniboss; I haven't played much since 4.0 or so, and am admittedly interested in how the whole 'boss' thing is working out-I remember there being some talk on the Forums, but the to-do list for this project is kind of terrifying in scale. Also, new texture looks good, and it is nice to see national equality going around; no longer will Labrynna be the only nation to have Tokay slave camps and wow that sounds bad.
-Tokay Bonkers? Hahahahahahhahahaha! These guys are brilliant. Though I figure it's about fifty-fifty odds if they do their thing intentionally or the 'helmet' just means they can't help running into things...
-And now we find out how Labrynna enslaved the Tokay.......the backstory is about how I imagined it went down. But possibly with less cheesy merchants getting vast amounts of tropical goods for moth-eaten socks.
-Hey, look, the Storm Zora GAH TEETH! Well, I'm terrified. These guys look pretty terrifying.....Hmmm. 'Solve the mystery of the Sea of Storms'? Buildable structure Lost Library? These guys are far more bookish than they would appear at first glance. Then again, the Library's probably filled mostly with Lovecraftian horror....
-The Storm Zora units look pretty cool. Actually, the Stormbringers seem like their magic is a bit more powerful than the regular Zora Mage's work; a storm may not be as visually impressive as a lightning bolt, but it'll hit several more people, and quite frankly a bit of flooding is always going to be to the Zora's advantage. That said, given the Stormbringer is a bit hunched over with what appears to be a giant mustache and a walking stick, it seems safe to assume that it takes much longer to master these arts-which makes sense, that the more complicated and hard to learn magics come from an optional minifaction you have to beat a quest for.
-Wow, Mahgxai looks like a force to be reckoned with....did they have ominous secrets before they hid in the Sea of Storms, I wonder, or did they flee from persecution or some such and then find the lost magics and such?
-Ooh, new Gorons. Hmmm.....I like the concept of the Stoneshedding Rock, and the Rolling Ridge gorons definitely pull off looking like gorons without being identical to the brotherhood under Darunia, or the concept art for the Great Sea gorons. Given they have more of a rocky exterior, they definitely look tougher, too, though the flat-top heads and an obligatory pun about a rolling stone gathering no moss makes me think they probably can't pull off the rolling charge of their cousins. (Of course, I haven't managed to play the newest H:TW yet, so I have no idea how their gameplay works out....)
-Okay, looking at this these guys seem like perfect garrison troops; all but invisible until enemies get close, and highly resistant to damage. The Rock Shamans entry does make me chuckle, too-maybe they aren't so distant from Darunia after all....
-Wazkora looks fairly epic. What is more terrifying than facing down a goron? Facing one down that has what is rumored to be millenia of experience. Also, one that is uphill from you.
All in all, EPIC! I hope my feedback helps. Or at least entertains. Or causes someone to rip their hair out complaining about spoilers, before realising that there was no way they weren't going to click the links above themselves just as they read this.
Education increases the rate of technology breakthroughs, something not in the game yet.
ok, what would they (technology breakthroughs) do in HTW?
They will work much like the Discovery events from Medieval 2, the Discovery of Gunpowder being a great example that will tie into Labrynna's techtree. Basically there's a tiered tree of 'discoveries' and the higher your faction's education output, the sooner your faction makes these discoveries.
ok, how will this effect other factions (no need for hard listing, just give me the basic idea)
i look kind good for a fan-made manual, but i think the official hyrule historia got us cover already.
i didn't say it was 'hyrule historia' on the history, i say your fan made manual with the history part, not the official book.

Hyrule Total War Hyrule Historia Download Full

How did you manage to have 11 religions in the game?
I think 6 was the Rome hardcoded limit for religions. Here's a list of every hardcoded limit in Medieval 2: www.twcenter.net/forums/showth…
I meant to type 10. 11 was an accident on my part.

Hyrule Historia Dark Horse

I also counted wrong. There is only 10 religions not 11.
My bad.
Explain the following:
'-Causes settlements to instantly rebel if Unrest drops Below 70%'.
That would be a city happiness of 30%? Either that or it's punishing people for handling public order and happiness? Your wording is vague. What's the intent?
Basically the Advent of Hylia religion causes a settlement to instantly rebel when happiness hits 30% rather than 0%. Also, normally when a religion is dominating an enemy's settlement, it takes a series of turns for a rebellion to spark where's with the Advent it's instant.
Hmm. For that to be at all viable your priests and religious buildings are going to need to be very strong.

Parallel Process has released version 3.0 of its Hyrule: Total War mod along with a new trailer that shows off its bloodier take on The Legend of Zelda.

The Legend of Zelda series arguably runs on the presumption that most people aren't going to question why, with the fate of the world at stake, the forces of destiny would pick only one guy to be in charge of vanquishing evil. It's not like there's nobody else in the kingdom, after all. In Ocarina of Time there's a bunch of guards who spend their days just walking oddly planned patrols around the perimeter of Hyrule Castle. Why can't they help? Why is it always Link, even when he's just a child, left to do the dirty work?

Parallel Process's Hyrule: Total War tosses the lone warrior concept out the window and instead focuses on a Hyrule torn apart by bloody and brutal warfare. A total conversion mod for Medieval 2: Total War, it puts players in control of one of the races or kingdoms of Hyrule and sets them to the task of conquering the fantasy land. Just recently, the mod saw the release of its third version, which, among other improvements, contains a whopping nineteen factions, customizable settlements, and a four-mission campaign based off of Hyrule Historia, Nintendo's tome detailing the complex and confusing connections between the various Zelda games.

Perhaps the most immediately eye-catching thing about version 3.0 however, is the trailer Parallel Process released alongside it. The aptly titled 'Epic Trailer' gives a peek at what has to be one of the bloodiest, most violent depictions of Hyrule ever. A depiction which includes the clashing of armies, siege warfare, a Kaiju-sized Majora's Mask and the deaths of both Zelda and Link. Somehow we get the feeling it's a portrayal that the generally family-friendly Nintendo might not approve of.

Hyrule Total War Hyrule Historia Download

Source: Rock, Paper, Shotgun