How To Download Pictures From Picasa To Android Phone

There are two options to upload cell phone pictures: uploading from a client application or uploading through email.

Option 1 - Use a Client Application

Instagram offers a photo-saving option that allows you to add pictures to your Picasa. App on your phone to take pictures, but you don't need a Picasa app downloaded to. For Android users, Instagram automatically saves your photos to the. The best way to view photos offline, is to manually download them from Picasa on your computer to your phone over USB. It would be great if Google offered some way to know which albums were actually 'synced' or if there was an option to download full resolution of all Picasa Albums for offline viewing.

Some phones, including more modern BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, andAndroid smartphones, host official Google apps for Picasa integration.Other phones support third party applications for the same purpose.Search your phone platform's app store or app directory for a PicasaWeb Albums app and download it. Follow the in-application supportdocuments for information on how to sync with your Google Account andupload your photos.

Option 2 - Send Photos By Email

A little-known feature of Picasa Web Albums is that it supportsemail integration. If your phone supports outgoing emails with images,you can send photos to your address and have them routedto your account. Here is how to set up that service...

Step 1 - Enable Email Upload

Visit your settings page for Picasa Webs, here.Locate the 'Upload photos by email:' setting and click the box next to'Allow me to upload photos by email.' In the box below, enter a secretword of 6-15 letters and digits in length. Your Picasa Webs emailaddress will be in the format [email protected] Don'tforget to hit 'Save changes' at the bottom of the page to enable thisoption.

Step 2 - Save Your Picasa Webs Email Address as a Contact

Open your phone's email client or address book and enter your PicasaWebs email address as a contact, in a place where you will remember it.Since you are not logging in to a Google service by emailing thisaddress, you can email photos to your Picasa account from a friend'sphone or email-enabled device.

Step 3 - Upload!

To test that everything went according to plan, compose a new emailon your phone. Set your Picasa Webs email contact as the recipient andattach a photo or several photos to the message.

Here are a few tips to remember when uploading by email...

Upload Photos From Android Phone To Computer

  • Emails are capped at 20 MB per message. If you have more than 20MBs to upload, either use in-phone compression (if available) or sendyour photos over multiple messages. If you have a 1G connection, it isadvisable to remain far under 20 MBs anyway.
  • If you wish to add a caption to your photo or photos, write it in the email's subject line.
  • If you wish to add your photo or photos to a specific album with Web Albums, write thatin the subject line instead. If your subject line does not match analbum in your Picasa Web Albums account, it will instead be uploaded toa general-purpose 'Drop Box' album, which serves, in Google's words, asa 'holding pen' for uncategorized uploads coming from the Picasadesktop app, email accounts, and Google's Orkut social networking site.
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The Google Picasa albums syncing and flooding your Android gallery is always annoying, when you try to remove them from your device but fail to do so, because these photos are originally from your Google Picasa folder and not from your device, and you have got no option to remove them from your device directly.

Google’s recent change in rules has made your Google picasa folder merged into the Google Plus albums, and now you can access all your photos in the Google Plus photos folder. Now, if you wanted to remove the photos from appearing in your Android gallery, you need to first stop syncing the Google Photos through the settings.

Stop Syncing of Google Photos from your Android Phone


Although we mentioned in the title that stopping the syncing of the photos would remove the photos, it’s not the first step to do but the final one. First of all, you have to do some sacrifice by deleting these photos from your Google Photos albums after taking a backup of that. Follow the below guide correctly to delete the photos.

Firstly, ensure which albums or photos you want to remove from the gallery. As you can see, we are choosing “Dental Instruments” gallery which we choose to remove from the Android gallery section.

Now, open your Google Plus account and browse to the Photos section where these photos would be appearing. Open the album and select all the photos which you want to delete, and select every photo if you want to delete the folder itself. Then select “Delete” and the deletion of the photos would be done.

** Do keep in mind that you download or take a backup of these photos before you delete them.

How To Download Pictures From Picasa To Android Phone To Computer

Once the photos are deleted, go to the gallery in your Android phone and go to options and select “Refresh” and this refreshing would start syncing the device with your Google photos, and the ones which are now not present in your Google photos section will be deleted from the Gallery too.

As you can see in the screenshot below, the album would be deleted and not show in the Android gallery. Now, the main step to follow after this is shown below.

We know most of you already did the mistake by syncing, thus the photos appeared in the gallery. Now, you need to stop syncing the photos by going to Settings > Accounts > your Google account in which the following options are available, and you need to uncheck Google Photos, so that it shows “Sync is Off“.

Once you have stopped syncing the photos from your Android device in your Google account, you can re-add the photos to your Google Plus photos section or the Google Picasa, and they now don’t appear in your Android phone. It’s a bit of work for you but we couldn’t find any better or easier option of syncing and removing these photos without deleting them from the Google photos section.

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